Petrochem, steel companies may cut operations on water supply concerns

2023. 2. 9. 10:24
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The water is so dried up that the lower parts of the bridges are revealed in Jeolla Province. [Photo by Lee Chung-woo]
Concerns rise as the prolonged drought in South Jeolla Province is causing water supply problems at a national industrial complex in Yeosu and Gwangyang, the operation site for many South Korean petrochemical and steel companies.

According to the Ministry of Environment and industry sources on Wednesday, 16 companies with operations at the Yeosu-Gwangyang industrial complex, including POSCO, Hyundai Steel Co. and LG Chem Ltd., are in last-minute talks with the government to move up their maintenance schedule to the first half of this year to reduce usage of industrial water. If the talks go as planned, the companies will launch maintenance work this month that will go on until June instead of the second half of the year.

“The adjustment will help save 18,000 tons of industrial water a day,” said an unnamed government official.

The move will help reduce water usage by about 2.5 million tons in total.

The government’s request comes as it is worried that there will be major setbacks to industrial water supply if the current drought continues in the region.

The industrial complex receives 710,000 tons of industrial water supply every day from nearby dams. There are worries that water supply will be halted completely when the dam dries up before the rainy season in June. The low-water level at the dams can raise supply issues not only for industrial water but also residential water.

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