Shinhan Bank CEO steps down for health reasons

진민지 2023. 2. 6. 17:17
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Shinhan Bank CEO Han Yong-gu stepped down on Monday, citing health reasons.
Shinhan Bank CEO Han Yong-gu speaks at a press conference held in central Seoul on Dec. 30. Han stepped down due to health reasons on Monday. [NEWS1]

Shinhan Bank CEO Han Yong-gu stepped down on Monday, citing health reasons.

The CEO decided to step down “to minimize the gap in management as treatment is expected to prolong,” according to Shanhan Bank on Monday. Han made a quick decision “to push for stable growth of the bank amid growing uncertainties.”

Han replaced former Shinhan Bank CEO Jin Ok-dong to take on the role in December.

Shinhan Financial Group’s board members will recommend a replacement for Han as early as this week.


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