SK ecoplant renames U.S. subsidiary Betek to SK ecoplant Americas

신하늬 2023. 2. 6. 12:10
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SK ecoplant, a construction and energy company, renamed its wholly-owned U.S. subsidiary, Betek, to SK ecoplant Americas.

SK ecoplant, a construction and energy company, renamed its wholly-owned U.S. subsidiary, Betek, to SK ecoplant Americas.

SK ecoplant Americas has been focusing on battery recycling and hydrogen businesses in the North American market.

The company acquired a $50 million stake in Ascend Elements to become the largest shareholder of the Westborough, Massachusetts-based battery recycling company last year.

SK ecoplant also aims to expand its presence in the fuel cell business — which includes development and construction of fuel cell systems — in Canada and the United States.

SK ecoplant established a joint venture with San Jose, California-based Bloom Energy to open a manufacturing plant for solid oxide fuel cells in Korea in 2020.

“The North American region, which is the largest market, is the key place for SK ecoplant to grow into a global eco-friendly energy company, as the related industries are expanding in the region thanks to various policy support,” said Park Kyung-il, SK ecoplant CEO.


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