Korea to foster talent in science and technology for future growth

2023. 2. 2. 10:57
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Yoon at the Kumoh National Institute of Technology [Photo by Lee Seung-hwan]
President Yoon Suk-yeol highlighted the importance of talent and human resources, especially in the area of science and technology, during the first government meeting aimed at fostering national human talent, on Wednesday.

“Talent in science and technology is the key to survival amid the ongoing fourth industrial revolution and the global tech power struggle,” Yoon said during the meeting at the Kumoh National Institute of Technology.

The Ministry of Education announced on Wednesday that it will focus on fostering talent in five key areas. They are aerospace, future and mobility, bio technology, advanced materials and parts, digital technology, and environment and energy.

The president noted some U.S. cases to highlight the move. “The U.S., already a tech superpower, has established key technology-focus areas, and leads innovation at the national level, to remain as a superpower,” Yoon said.

The Ministry of Education unveiled a government plan to designate certain universities outside Seoul and to provide government support. The government hopes that those universities will be the foundation to develop talent and further help bring geographic balance within the nation.

“There are cases of foreign cities that have successfully rejuvenated themselves through investment in advanced industries, such as IT, biotech and design,” Yoon said.

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