[Graphic News] 7 out of 10 S. Koreans support independent development of nuclear weapons: poll

2023. 2. 1. 08:01
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Seven out of 10 South Koreans see the need for Seoul to independently pursue its own nuclear weapons development program, a survey showed, amid concerns over escalating military threats from Pyongyang and a lack of trust in denuclearization negotiations with North Korea.

According to a Gallup Korea poll of 1,000 adults, commissioned by the Chey Institute for Advanced Studies, 76.6 percent replied that the South needs to develop nuclear weapons independently to counter Pyongyang’s intensifying nuclear threats and deter its provocations.

The survey showed 77.6 percent of the respondents considered denuclearization of North Korea to be “impossible,” while 78.6 percent said Pyongyang was likely to conduct its seventh nuclear test.

Of those polled, 72.4 percent also made positive assessments on South Korea’s capability in developing its own nuclear weapons. (Yonhap)

By Nam Kyung-don(don@heraldcorp.com)

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