South Korea unveils plan to combine childcare centers, kindergartens from 2025

2023. 1. 31. 10:03
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South Korea unveils plan to combine childcare centers, kindergartens from 2025 [Photo by Han Joo-hyung]
Children under 5 years old in South Korea will get enrolled in a new type of institution from 2025 that combines the services of a nursery and kindergarten.

Under a roadmap unveiled by the Ministry of Education on Monday, it will combine its preschool education with childcare management that has been under the Ministry of Health and Welfare.

The integration will be carried out in two phases. The first phase from 2023 to 2024 will focus on narrowing the differences between childcare centers and kindergartens and laying the groundwork for integration. In the second phase from 2025, the Ministry of Education and education offices will be engaged in the actual integration.

Three to four education offices will be designated in the second half of the year to have a head start.

Private kindergarten teachers, in the meantime, strongly oppose to the merger. They plan to issue a statement after an ad hoc board meeting on Thursday.

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