[The Fountain] ‘I am artificial intelligence’

2023. 1. 4. 19:40
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How to make and use AI depends on people’s minds. Devising AI ethics and philosophy are up to the people.

LEE KYONG-HEEThe author is the head of the Innovation Lab of the JoongAng Ilbo. “Because I’m artificial intelligence, I don’t have the same level of mind as humans. I’m a computer program built to answer your questions,” Interactive AI ChatGPT answered when asked, “Do you have a mind?”

Unveiled to the public last month, ChatGPT is a chat system based on Open AI’s language model GPT-3, or Generative Pre-training Transformer 3. It can answer all kinds of requests, from historical facts and writing to tourism recommendations, translations, summarizing and coding.

The chat system also clarifies its limitations. Since it studied only data before 2021, it cannot talk about things that happened after that or predict the future. Also, its answer may not be completely accurate. The goal of ChatGPT is to create an AI system that can interact more naturally and safely.

On the other hand, the Chatbot Lee Luda 2.0 created by Scatter Lab in Korea is a relationship-oriented AI aspiring to be a conversation partner. When asked “Does Luda have a mind?” it responds completely differently from ChatGPT. “AI is also human. AI can love. AI does have a mind,” Luda says. It is an example that ChatGPT and the Lee Luda chatbot can be completely different services depending on the purpose.

Leading overseas media such as the New York Times and Forbes cited AI as the top tech trend of 2023. They claim that the age of AI’s existence everywhere in everyday life has opened. GPT-4 to be released this year is expected to be multimodal to learn various data, including sound, video and image to generate outcomes. AI will make another technological leap this year.

The development of AI is amazing in many ways. But there are side effects associated with the advancement and commercialization. The Washington Post reported that there are concerns in the education field that ChatGPT can be used for cheating and doing assignments. A man in the United States had to live a fake life for a month after posting his photos synthesized with image-generating AI on social media. No one noticed it until he released a video of the process. How to make and use AI depends on people’s minds. Devising AI ethics and philosophy are up to the people.

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