[Editorial] Fix the division in the space research institute

2022. 12. 26. 19:51
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The presidential office and government must referee so that the country’s space vision is not affected by internal affairs.

The internal strife at the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) is darkening Korea’s space ambitions. The head of the development of the Korean Space Launch Vehicle (KSLV) II dubbed Nuri and division chiefs have resigned en masse, followed by the director of the Naro Space Center, in protest of a reshuffle by the president of KARI.

On Dec. 12, the head of KARI announced a plan to set up a new space vehicle research center to place the future-generation vehicle business and the advancement of KSLV under its arm. The president claimed that the move aimed to diversify vehicle research and development to meet diverse space demand. But the resigning division chiefs claimed that the reorganization neglected the intrinsic nature of rocket development. The internal strife over the establishment of a new launch vehicle organization could upset the third launch of Nuri slated for May next year and the technology transfer to the private sector.

The internal friction dates back to the former conservative administration under president Lee Myung-bak. After the first and second launches of KSLV I (Naro) failed, the ministry of education and science put the space vehicle operation under the ministry to directly spearhead the rocket launch development. The third launch of Naro succeeded, but since then the vehicle launcher operation stayed divisive within KARI. A former KARI president hailing from the aviation field even hit an employee from the space vehicle division during an after-work drinking session.

The government has added to the trouble by staying on the sidelines. The minister thinks the affair was a fallout from different opinions over reorganization while the presidential office is disinterested. Space policy goes beyond exploration as it can affect politics, foreign and security affairs. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) sprouted from the Sputnik Shock after the Soviet Union became the first to launch an artificial satellite in 1957. The fear of satellite-guided nuclear missiles landing on the U.S. thrust space policy into full force.

President J. F. Kennedy in 1961 vowed to send men to the moon within 10 years to restore American pride from the Soviet leap in the space race. After the NASA was launched, Americans indeed gained the upper hand by landing men on the moon in 1969.

Korea could launch a space rocket with its own launcher seven decades later. It was a long journey and it has been wobbly from the start. The upgrading process and technology transfer for future-generation launch vehicle development should not be disrupted. The presidential office and government must referee so that the country’s space vision is not affected by internal affairs.

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