BTS V transformed into 19th Century 'European Gentleman' 

진세리 2022. 12. 10. 00:10
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[MHNSports Saeli Jin reporter] KPOP star group BTS V as the 5th runner, came forward as 'Special 9 Photo-Folio'. 

On the last 8th, V from the official SNS 'Special 8 Photo-Folio' concept film and preview image, was released. On this day, the provided video and the photo drew attention by depicting for 19th century European Style Background as a beautiful day of gentlemen. 

Special only V emotion was expressed through 8 Photo-Folio 'Veautiful Day' through modern Europe mood a total of 4 different concepts. V was a gentleman who took horseback riding class, had tea time and enjoyed a break meeting his fans. In conclusion, a gentleman going on a trip, doubling the romantic and fascinating side of a gentleman, is just like a scene from a movie. 

'Veautiful Days is about the preference V, wearing a classical costume and preferring to listen to jazz daily. In particular, V beginning from the starting point, participated in the whole work so that each vintage prop was depicted in detail.  

On the other hand, the new challenge of BTS and the pictorial project 'Special 8 Photo-Folio' is about 7 different members who were activated to participate for each member and drew great attention from the audience. 

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