hk 2022. 12. 5. 23:55
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Sudanese army leaders, civilian groups sign framework deal to end political crisis

epa10349578 Sudanese Army general Abdel Fattah Abdelrahman al-Burhan (4-L) and commander of the Rapid Support Forces Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo (3-L), accompanied by leaders of civilian groups hold up signed documents of a framework agreement to end the political stalemate in Khartoum, Sudan, 05 December 2022. Sudanese military leaders and civilian groups under the umbrella of the Forces Freedom and Change (FFC) signed on 05 December a framework agreement to end the political crisis in the country and establish a transitional civilian authority after the army declared a state of emergency on 25 October 2021 and dissolved the governing sovereign council and the government, a move which had since sparked continued pro-democracy protests. EPA/MOHND AWAD

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