President Yoon’s Approval Ratings Approach 40%, Up 2.5%
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A survey result on December 5 showed that President Yoon Suk-yeol’s approval ratings were nearing 40%. Disapproval of the president dropped below 60% for the first time in five months.
According to the poll results released by the polling firm, Realmeter, on Monday, the approval rating of President Yoon Suk-yeol’s handling of state affairs recorded 38.9%, up 2.5% from a survey conducted the week before. The latest survey was conducted by Realmeter upon request from Media Tribune. They surveyed 2,507 men and women ages eighteen and older throughout the nation from November 28 until December 2.
Disapproval of the president’s performance recorded 58.9%, down 1.9% from the previous week. This was the first time that negative assessments of President Yoon dropped below 60% in a Realmeter survey since the first week of July (57.0%). Until now, more than 60% of the respondents had remained critical of the president in the surveys conducted by the same polling firm.
President Yoon’s approval ratings rose in Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do (up 5.9%), Seoul (up 5.5%), and Busan, Ulsan, and Gyeongsangnam-do (up 2.7%). His approval ratings rose higher among men (up 3.0%) than women (up 2.0%). According to age groups, his approval ratings rose the most among people in their twenties (up 4.7%), followed by those in their fifties (up 3.8%), forties (up 2.7%), thirties (up 2.5%), and sixties (up 2.2%).
A look at the political inclination of the respondents showed that support for the president rose the most among the independents (17.8% 28.0%). His approval ratings rose among the conservatives (60.1% 64.6%) and the moderates (34.8% 37.1%).
However, disapproval of the president increased in Daejeon, Sejong and Chungcheong (up 2.2%) and Gwangju and Jeolla (up 2.5%). It also increased among Justice Party supporters (up 6.0%) and the progressives (82.9% 83.7%).
When it came to party support, 46.0% supported the Democratic Party of Korea, while 38.8% supported the People Power Party. The Justice Party was backed by 3.4% of the respondents, while 10.1% of the people said they were not affiliated to any party.
The latest survey had a confidence level of 95% with a ±2.0% margin of error. The poll was conducted in the form of an automated telephone survey, with 97% of the calls made to cell phones and 3% to telephones. The response rate was 3.5%. For more details, please refer to the National Election Survey Deliberation Commission website.
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