Hyundai Mobis to unveil new future mobility technologies at 2023 CES
2022. 12. 5. 13:06
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Hyundai Mobis, auto parts unit under Hyundai Motor Group, will showcase various future mobility technologies, especially purpose built vehicle (PBV)-related ones, at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2023 to be held in Las Vegas between Jan. 5 and 8, the Korean company said Monday. At its largest-ever 780-square meter booth, the company will premier PBV concept model M.Vision TO and M.Vision HI and present swivel display and rear wheel suspension technology plus 19 new mobility technologies including LED grill lighting and AR-HUD in hopes of winning more new orders. The company’s global order amount reached $3.33 billion in Jan.-Sept. this year, 90% of its annual target.
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