S. Korea’s consumer price up 5 percent on year in November
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The consumer price index (CPI) stood at 109.10 in November, up 5.0 percent from a year earlier, according to Statistics Korea. But the growth pace slowed by 0.7 percentage points from the previous month.
The country’s headline inflation stayed above 5 percent for seven straight months after peaking at 6.3 percent in July. In October, the CPI rose 5.7 percent due to energy bill hikes.
The price for industrial products gained 5.9 percent in November following a 6.3 percent rise in the previous month. Prices of oil products and processed food rose by 5.6 percent and 9.4 percent, respectively. After rising by as much as 39.6 percent in June, the growth of oil products gradually slowed to 35.1 percent in July and 10.7 percent in October.
The price of electricity, gas and water jumped 23.1 percent, the same as the previous month, due to the utility bill hikes in October. The price increase in electricity, gas, and water was the highest since the data was first compiled in January 2010.
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