National Convention of Women recognizes CEO of GITSN

조정우 2022. 11. 30. 18:50
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Han Dong-jin, CEO of GITSN, received a special award at the National Convention of Women for the company’s camera detection system that helps prevent illegal filming at restrooms, according to the security technology company on Wednesday.
Han Dong-jin, CEO of GITSN, right, takes a photo with Huh Myeong, president of the Korean National Council of Women, after receiving a special award at the 57th National Convention of Women on Wednesday. [GITSN]

Han Dong-jin, CEO of GITSN, received a special award at the National Convention of Women for the company’s camera detection system that helps prevent illegal filming at restrooms, according to the security technology company on Wednesday.

The company’s camera detection system is capable of detecting a hidden camera with its own heat detection technology.

The technology is expected to help crack down on hidden cameras in women’s bathrooms, in particular, which has become a rising concern for women in Korea. Crimes related to illegal filming rose 23.4 percent last year compared to the previous year, according to the National Police Agency.

"I feel proud that the women's community is recognizing us for our work,” Han said. "We will continue to contribute to a safe and happy world for women.”

The National Convention of Women, hosted by the Korean National Council of Women, was held at Coex in southern Seoul, on Wednesday, and attended by 1,500 women leaders across the country.


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