SK picglobal opens the world’s first facility devoted to eco-friendly DPG
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According to the industry ministry on Monday, the facility in its Ulsan production base is expected to produce 30,000 tons of DPG annually. The global demand for the eco-friendly material has grown to 300,000 tons per year.
The new plant would make the world’s first production facility exclusively for DPG.
Dipropylene glycol is a co-product coming from the manufacture of mono-propylene glycol. It is a water-soluble hygroscopic liquid with a low vapor pressure. SK picglobal has commercialized the process of exclusively producing DPG, which is used as a solvent for cosmetics and perfumes and also as a surface coating agent for electronic goods.
With its new DPG production facility, SK picglobal aims to become an eco-friendly material company. “Starting with the commercialization of the world‘s first DPG-only process, we will evolve into a care material company,” said CEO Won Ki-don. “The DPG production facility would enhance the competitiveness of the nation’s chemical sector, said an official from the industry ministry. The ministry has worked to help domestic chemical firms innovate for low-carbon procedures amid the enhanced eco-friendly regulations worldwide.
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