President Yoon Refers to the Unionized Truckers’ Strike as “Bullying Colleagues” and an “Illegal Act Trampling on Other People”
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President Yoon Suk-yeol spoke on the cargo truckers’ strike, which began on November 24, and said, “The government has no choice but to consider various measures including orders for the commencement of business operations.”
President Yoon wrote on social media Thursday night and described the strike by unionized truckers as “an act taking the distribution system as hostage in a national crisis situation,” and released his position on the issue. At 10 a.m. Thursday, the cargo truckers’ union held a ceremony launching the strike demanding the continuous implementation of the Safe Trucking Freight Rates policy as well as the expansion of the policy to include more vehicles and items.
President Yoon argued that the people would not tolerate the strike and said, “Blocking the entrance and exit of other vehicles and harassing colleagues engaging in normal operations is a violent act trampling on other people’s freedom.” He also said, “We will respond strictly according to laws and principles on all illegal actions, such as refusing delivery to certain areas and interfering with transportation.”
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