si MB 2022. 11. 24. 02:14
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Moscow plant launches serial assembly of Moskvich cars

epa10323243 A worker assembles new crossovers 'Moskvich 3' on a conveyor at the Moscow Automobile Plant Moskvich, in Moscow, Russia, 23 November 2022. The Moscow Automobile Plant Moskvich (formerly the CJSC Renault Russia plant) launched a serial assembly of the 'Moskvich 3' crossover with a gasoline engine. In Moscow, Moskvich sales will be launched in January 2023, while in other regions sales will start in March 2023. Until the end of the year, the plant plans to assemble 400 vehicles with gasoline engines and 200 electric versions. Next year they want to build 50,000 cars (10,000 electric cars) and 100,000 cars (20,000 electric cars) in two years. EPA/YURI KOCHETKOV

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