SsangYong Motor unveils wireless charging platform for EVs

2022. 11. 21. 15:55
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A wireless charging platform for EVs currently under development by SsangYong Motor is displayed at the 2022 Radio Wave Broadcast Week event in Coex, Seoul, Monday. (SsangYong Motor)

SsangYong Motor unveiled its wireless charging platform for electric vehicles under development on Monday at Coex, Seoul during an event hosted by the Ministry of Science and ICT.

The carmaker displayed its first all-electric sports utility vehicle Korando e-motion equipped with a 61.6 kWh lithium-ion polymer battery and with a 22kW wireless charging system that can fully charge the electric vehicle in three hours.

SsangYong Motor is currently trying to shorten the charging time and also trying to further innovate the platform to enable wireless charging using the car's feeder line when driving.

When the technology is commercialized, it could mean EVs are able to run on smaller batteries. This could help remove the burden on consumers, as batteries are the main factor driving the high prices of EVs.

SsangYong Motor has been working with various research institutes and universities including Korea Automotive Technology Institute and Kaist since 2020 to develop a safe and convenient wireless charging platform for EVs that can be commercialized by 2024 as part of a national task set by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.

By Hong Yoo(

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