ob AFCU LB 2022. 11. 19. 23:23
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The challenge of freeing a Dominican river from eight colossi that lie in its bed

epa10314507 A view of the Bel Divina Pastora ship on the bed of the Ozama river, in Santo Domingo, Dominican R., on 15 November 2022, (issued 19 November 2022). Eight metal colossi lie in the bed of the Ozama River, some for three decades, polluting it and preventing the navigability of what was once the pluvial artery of the Dominican capital, on whose surface work is already being done to scrap the rusty ship Bel Divina Pastora. The dismantling of the ship, 92 meters long, is only the beginning of the work to rehabilitate the river, sick of receiving garbage and harboring polluting waste, such as the wrecks that once transported sugar and cement. EPA/ORLANDO BARRIA

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