YooA’s 'Selfish' music video surpasses 10 million views on YouTube

이재림 2022. 11. 17. 15:31
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Singer YooA’s music video for her track “Selfish,” which was released on Monday, has surpassed 10 million views on YouTube, according to WM Entertainment on Thursday. The milestone was reached approximately 55 hours after the video was...
YooA's music video for her track ″Selfish″ surpassed 10 million views on YouTube as of Thursday. [WM ENTERTAINMENT]

Singer YooA’s music video for her track “Selfish,” which was released on Monday, has surpassed 10 million views on YouTube, according to WM Entertainment on Thursday.

The milestone was reached approximately 55 hours after the video was uploaded to the site at 1 a.m. on Thursday, marking a personal best for YooA.

Her last music video for her solo track “Bon Voyage” (2020) surpassed 10 million views four days after its release.

In the video, YooA compares her frustration coming from feeling insecure in her relationship to a fish stuck in a bathtub while the water is running out. The track is an energetic dance number with a faster pace and stronger beat compared to “Bon Voyage.”

“Selfish” has ranked high on local music streaming charts, as well as landed within top the 10 on iTunes K-pop Albums charts in eight regions such as the United States, Australia, Hong Kong, Canada and Britain.

BY LEE JAE-LIM [lee.jaelim@joongang.co.kr]

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