Genesis BBQ chairman awarded Moran Medal of the Order of Civil Merit

이태희 2022. 11. 16. 15:51
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Genesis BBQ Chairman Yoon Hong-geun received the Moran Medal of the Order of Civil Merit from the Korean government.
Genesis BBQ Chairman Yoon Hong-geun [GENESIS BBQ]

Genesis BBQ Chairman Yoon Hong-geun received the Moran Medal of the Order of Civil Merit from the Korean government.

The chairman was awarded the medal on Tuesday for creating many jobs and promoting Korean-style fried chicken and ice skating to the world. Yoon also serves as the chairman of the Korean Skating Union.

The Moran Medal recognizes contributions to Korea’s economy, politics, education and society, and is the second-highest medal in the Order of Civil Merit. Former recipients include Olympic gold medalist figure skater Kim Yuna and Buddhist monk Bub Ryun.

Genesis BBQ says the chairman was recognized for continuing to hire people even during the Covid-19 pandemic and also hiring discharged military officers.

The company is one of the biggest Korean fried chicken brands abroad, operating BHC Chicken franchises in 57 countries including the United States, Germany and the Philippines.

“I am honored to receive the Moran Medal of the order of Civil Merit, recognized for Genesis BBQ’s achievements in its global business and environmental social and government management,” said Chairman Yoon in a statement Wednesday.

“We will do our best to be a company that continues to contribute to Korea’s development.”


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