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epa10307281 Servicemen with their armoured vehicles attend the fire training during the military exercise 'Iron Spear', in Adazi military base, Latvia, 15 November 2022. Exercise Iron Spear demonstrates NATO firepower and interoperability. Some 34 teams from 13 NATO nations participate in a competition featuring both main battle tanks and infantry fighting vehicles. The NATO enhanced Forward Presence Battle Group (eFP BG) Latvia is conducting the exercise along with Allies from the multinational eFP BGs in Estonia, Lithuania and Poland as well as the Latvian Land Forces Mechanized Infantry Brigade and the Danish First Battalion-Royal Lifeguards. The teams competing in exercise are from Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States with support from the eFP BG Latvia Framework Nation of Canada. EPA/TOMS KALNINS
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