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epa10266979 A photo taken through window glass shows a 33-year-old female gorilla named 'Bua Noi', meaning Little Lotus, looking on from behind the bars of her cage at the Pata Zoo in Bangkok, Thailand, 26 October 2022. The private Pata zoo has denied any deal to sell and send the country's last and only one caged gorilla back to the zoo in Germany where she was bred while the animal rights activists calling to free and transfer the gorilla to a sanctuary. The female gorilla 'Bua Noi' was bought to Thailand and has been held captive at the zoo on the rooftop of a department store for more than three decades and her confinement has sparked controversy and protests by animal rights groups who say she needs better living conditions and who are in general against the zoo's location in a shopping center. EPA/RUNGROJ YONGRIT
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