JCS chief visits US strategic, space commands

2022. 10. 22. 16:12
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South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Kim Seung-kyum (center left) with senior US commanders to discuss measures to beef up security and strategic cooperation on the Korean Peninsula in US Strategic Command in Nebraska, US on Friday. (Yonhap)

South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Kim Seung-kyum has met with senior US commanders to discuss measures to beef up security and strategic cooperation on the Korean Peninsula, including the US provision of extended deterrence, the JCS said on Saturday.

Kim visited US Strategic Command in Nebraska on Friday (US time) for talks with Commander Adm. Charles Richard on ways to strengthen coordination against North Korea's nuclear and missile threats. Kim was accompanied by Gen. Paul J. LaCamera, top commander of the US Forces Korea.

Richard said the US is prepared to effectively cope with North Korean nuclear threats of any kind. The US admiral also emphasized that the US will provide all possible means for extended deterrence to South Korea if necessary.

In addition, the two sides agreed to actively cooperate in deployment of strategic assets, joint drills and the expansion of strategic dialogue, the JCS said.

Kim also visited the US Space Command in Colorado and met with its chief, Gen. James Dickinson, to discuss ways to tighten the two countries' alliance against increasing aerospace challenges.

Kim and Dickinson agreed that the Seoul-Washington alliance is the linchpin of the peace, security and lasting stability of the Korean Peninsula, JCS said.

The JCS said the two countries will enhance the joint aerospace operations on the Korean Peninsula, and operate a joint Seoul-Washington military aerospace organization.

The JCS added that South Korea will increase its space capacities through increased participation in the US space drills.

Kim visited the US to attend the annual Military Committee Meeting between the two countries held in Washington on Wednesday. Kim also held a trilateral meeting with his counterparts in the US and Japan, -- Gen. Mark Milley and Gen. Koji Yamazaki, respectively -- the following day. (Yonhap)

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