Daycare Workers Fired Viral Video

2022. 10. 22. 06:22
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This combo of booking images provided by the Monroe County, Miss., Sheriff’s Office shows from left, Jennifer Newman, Misty Shyenne Mills, Oci-Anna Kilburn, Sierra McCandless and Traci Diane Hutson. Authorities said Friday, Oct. 21, 2022, that the five people linked to viral video footage of workers using a scary mask to frighten children at a Mississippi daycare are now facing charges. Monroe County Sheriff Kevin Crook said four of the women, Newman, Mills, Kilburn, and McCandless each face three counts of felony child abuse. A fifth woman, Traci Diane Hutson, he says, faces charges of failure to report abuse by a mandatory reporter and simple assault against a minor, both misdemeanors. (Monroe County Sheriff’s Office via AP) AP PROVIDES ACCESS TO THIS PUBLICLY DISTRIBUTED HANDOUT PHOTO PROVIDED BY [SOURCE GOES HERE]; MANDATORY CREDIT.

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