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epa10255009 An exterior view of an electric power plant partially damaged in a shelling by Russian forces in Kharkiv, Ukraine, 20 October 2022. The power plant, one of the three originally supplying the city with electric power, was completely destroyed by Russian strikes, while two others are still working although requiring some repairs. The plant, which was built before the Second World War and was supplying electricity to 30 percent of households in the city of Kharkiv, was shelled twice. The plant's Technical Director Eugene Kaurkin, explained to EPA journalist, that the electricity supply was lowered to 54 percent to avoid overloading the network, as many parts of Ukraine are facing heavy disruptions in the power supply following recent Russian strikes. Kharkiv and its surrounding areas have been the target of heavy shelling since February 2022, when Russian troops entered Ukraine starting a conflict that has provoked destruction and a humanitarian crisis. EPA/MARIA SENOVILLA
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