Overseas Koreans Foundation kicks off annual gathering of Korean adoptees

2022. 10. 14. 09:37
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Participants in the 2022 Gathering for Overseas Korean Adoptees pose for a picture at an opening ceremony held at Seoul Dragon City, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Thursday. (Yonhap)

The 2022 Gathering for Overseas Korean Adoptees kicked off Wednesday, and will continue until Monday.

Organized by the Overseas Koreans Foundation, an organization affiliated to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Gathering for Overseas Korean Adoptees is an annual homecoming program. The event is designed to invite Koreans who were adopted overseas to their home country and help them better understand the country and mingle with other Korean adoptees.

The latest edition of Gathering for Overseas Korean Adoptees this year is being held in person. OKF allows any Korean adoptee over the age of 18 to apply and join the event, together with their family members.

This year, around 150 Korean adoptees from 14 different countries have been invited to South Korea. The number of people joining the homecoming program increased by three times in 2022, OKF said.

In selecting the participants, the foundation gave priority to Korean adoptees who have disabilities, as well as those who are visiting South Korea for the first time.

This year‘s gathering consists of a wide range of activities, ranging from local tours to meetings with experts who can help Korean adoptees better understand policies and state programs that they can benefit from.

On Thursday, participants will join the opening ceremony of 2022 Gathering for Overseas Korean Adoptees, which will be followed by an event where participants gather together and share their stories.

On Friday, Korean adoptees will meet with officials from the government and experts who will provide information regarding South Korea’s Nationality Act, as well as restoration of nationality. The participants will also be provided with state programs that are dedicated to help adoptees to find their birth families. In the afternoon, an exhibition tour at the National Museum of Korea is scheduled.

During the weekend, a series of cultural events are also prepared in Seoul, OKF added.

Gathering for Overseas Korean Adoptees is a place where Korean adoptees are able to come together, share their stories and get connected,“ said Kim Sung-kon, the president of Overseas Koreans Foundation. Kim added the foundation will do its best so that participants can create bonds with their home country and better understand Korea.

By Shim Woo-hyun(ws@heraldcorp.com)

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