BAI Secretary-General Ryou Byeong-ho Claims Text Message to Presidential Office Was "Normal Communication"

Mun Gwang-ho, Yun Seung-min 2022. 10. 11. 15:21
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Ryou Byeong-ho, secretary-general of the Board of Audit and Inspection (BAI) swears in as a witness at a parliamentary inspection on the BAI by the Legislation and Judiciary Committee in the National Assembly on October 11. National Assembly press photographers

On October 11, Board of Audit and Inspection (BAI) Secretary-General Ryou Byeong-ho described the controversial text message he sent to Lee Kwan-sup, senior secretary to the president for policy planning, and said, “That communication was normal.”

Ryou made the statement in a parliamentary inspection of the Board of Audit and Inspection by the Legislation and Judiciary Committee at the National Assembly this morning, and added, “I apologize for stirring controversy.”

As for the argument that a certain audit by the BAI was not approved by the Council of Commissioners, Secretary-General Ryou refuted and said, “The argument that an individual audit was not approved by the Council is false based on the regulations, history and practices of the Board.” He argued, “That is why the commissioners appearing in this meeting could be in some ways inappropriate,” in response to the Democratic Party of Korea’s request for BAI commissioners to appear before the parliamentary inspection.

Earlier, Secretary-General Ryou Byeong-ho sent a text message, “Another explanation will be properly distributed today, basically telling them to stop making such ignorant comments,” to Lee Kwan-sup, senior secretary to the president for policy planning, before a cabinet meeting on October 5, triggering a heated debate over the independence of the Board of Audit and Inspection.

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