"We Are Listening to Various Opinions," President Yoon Speaks on Redeploying Tactical Nuclear Weapons to South Korea

Shim Jin-yong 2022. 10. 11. 15:21
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President Yoon Suk-yeol heads to work at the Office of the President in Yongsan, Seoul on the morning of October 11. Office of the President press photographers

President Yoon Suk-yeol spoke on the suggestion that South Korea redeploy tactical nuclear weapons on the Korean Peninsula and said, “We are carefully listening to and examining various opinions from the government and civilians in South Korea and the United States.” President Yoon met with the press on his way to work at the Office of the President in Yongsan on the morning of October 11, and when a reporter mentioned the opinion, “Since North Korea has tactical nuclear capability, we should redeploy tactical nuclear weapons albeit temporarily,” the president said, “As the president, this is not an issue on which I can publicly state a certain position at this time.”

In an opening remark before receiving questions from the press this morning, President Yoon mentioned how North Korea’s nuclear threats were becoming more serious and said, “We will prepare a good response by establishing a very strong response system based on a firm ROK-US alliance and cooperation in security with the U.S. and Japan.” He also said, “The people should not be too worried. I think they can focus on their economic activities and their livelihoods.”

When a reporter asked if the president still thought that South Korea’s direction in its response to North Korea, such as cooperation in security with the U.S. and Japan and the “bold initiative,” were still effective, President Yoon said, “I think it is effective.” He further said, “We promoted the denuclearization of North Korea for three decades from the early 1990s, and we also removed tactical nuclear weapons from our country to denuclearize the entire Korean Peninsula. But the North has constantly developed nuclear weapons, upgrading their technology, and is now threatening the entire world with nuclear weapons.” He added, “There is nothing that they can gain with nuclear weapons.”

As for concerns about stronger military cooperation with Japan, the president asked, “What concerns can be justified before nuclear threats?” The president also answered a question about attacks from the opposition Democratic Party of Korea that the president was promoting Japan-friendly national security, President Yoon said, “The wise citizens will make a good judgment.”

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