DFA sq 2022. 10. 10. 22:15
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Venezuelan migrants cross the Darien jungle

epa10234485 Venezuelan migrants climb a mountain with the intention of reaching Panama, in the Darien, Colombia, 08 October 2022 (Issued 10 October 2022). When Jose Juan told Steven that he wanted to go to the United States through the Darien, his 7-year-old son told him that it was dangerous, that it was better to do it by plane, but even so, he now energetically leads the group of migrants to begin the journey through this inhospitable jungle that separates Colombia from Panama. Like them, more than 150,000 people - 60 percent of them Venezuelans - have decided to cross so far this year through one of the most dangerous migratory steps in the world, a journey that can last a week through a mountainous jungle where there is no law. EPA/Mauricio Dueñas Castañeda

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