Mary Kay Awards Education Grant to Young Woman Aspiring to Become First Latin American Woman Astronaut to Visit Mars
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"Young women in Colombia have very little access to STEAM education, especially in the aerospace field. By bringing awareness to the program and pursuing my passion to go to space, I hope to bring more opportunities to young women in Colombia who are interested in seeking higher education and careers in STEAM areas," said Ivanna Hernandez. "The best solutions are achieved when you have a diverse team capable of noticing all the flaws that a problem or design raises. Because women have different social backgrounds and specific needs, our contribution complements and fills gaps that have been overlooked for years."
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DALLAS -- Businesswire -- As a decades-long leader in women’s empowerment and innovative science, Mary Kay celebrates young women who are taking charge of their futures through leadership, innovation, and determination to excel in STEAM fields. Women make up only 28% of the workforce in science, technology, engineering, and math. [1] By offering continued support to young women in STEAM fields, they are continuing Mary Kay’s mission, which is to improve women's lives everywhere.
“More young women gaining access to STEAM education leads to an increase in women embracing careers in those fields. In turn, this provides access to more equal opportunities for women, narrows the gender pay gap, bolsters economies, and eliminates bias in scientific and related fields,” said Dr. Lucy Gildea, Chief Innovation Officer, Product and Science for Mary Kay Inc. “Every day, through innovation and science, women around the world are solving some of the most complex problems — but there’s more to be done to recognize their contributions, provide them a voice and increase their representation in STEAM fields.”
Mary Kay’s Young Women in STEAM Grants and social campaign feature young women from around the world who are making outstanding contributions in STEAM fields. Ivanna Hernandez, aspiring astronomer and aerospace enthusiast from Colombia, was a recipient of the Young Women in STEAM grants and received a second continuing education grant to launch her dream of becoming the first Latin American woman astronaut to go to Mars.
In celebration of World Space Week, Mary Kay created a video highlighting the importance of STEAM education opportunities to help young women reach for the stars - young women like Ivanna.
“Young women in Colombia have very little access to STEAM education, especially in the aerospace field. By bringing awareness to the program and pursuing my passion to go to space, I hope to bring more opportunities to young women in Colombia who are interested in seeking higher education and careers in STEAM areas,” said Ivanna Hernandez. “The best solutions are achieved when you have a diverse team capable of noticing all the flaws that a problem or design raises. Because women have different social backgrounds and specific needs, our contribution complements and fills gaps that have been overlooked for years.”
Mary Kay is proud to continue its commitment to providing educational opportunities to young women around the world by investing in their future and watching them soar in their STEAM pursuits.
About Mary Kay
One of the original glass ceiling breakers, Mary Kay Ash founded her dream beauty company in 1963 with one goal: enriching women’s lives. That dream has blossomed into a multibillion-dollar company with millions of independent sales force members in nearly 40 countries. As an entrepreneurship development company, Mary Kay is committed to empowering women on their journey through education, mentorship, advocacy, networking, and innovation. Mary Kay is dedicated to investing in the science behind beauty and manufacturing cutting-edge skincare, color cosmetics, nutritional supplements, and fragrances. Mary Kay believes in enriching lives today for a sustainable tomorrow, partnering with organizations from around the world focusing on promoting business excellence, supporting cancer research, advancing gender equality, protecting survivors from domestic abuse, beautifying our communities, and encouraging children to follow their dreams. Learn more at, find us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, or follow us on Twitter.
National Girls Collaborative Project (2022). The State of Girls and Women in Stem.
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