Kospi performs worst in U.S. dollar term among G20 indices
2022. 9. 26. 12:21
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South Korea’s benchmark Kospi index plunged 33.58% from Jan. 3 to Sept. 22 in U.S. dollar term, the biggest drop among the major stock indices of G20 member countries after the Korean currency has weakened to a 13-year low against the greenback, according Daishin Securities and Bloomberg. It was followed by Germany’s DAX30 (31.79%), Italy’s FTSE MIB (31.45%), and EU Eurotox (31.01%). The U.S. S&P500 fell 21.65%, Japan’s Nikkei 225 24.38%, and China’s Shanghai Composite Index 22.94% over the same period. Foreigners offloaded over 2 trillion won ($1.4 billion) in Kospi stocks in September on the strong dollar. In Korean won value, Kospi fell 21.96%.
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