On the Path to Net Zero: TIWAG Subsidiary TINEXT to Supply INNIO's Primary Operations in Jenbach with Green Hydrogen

2022. 9. 23. 14:47
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"The hydrogen agreement with TIWAG and TINEXT is another milestone on our path to net zero at our site in Jenbach," said Olaf Berlien, president and CEO of INNIO. "We have committed to reducing emissions from our production sites around the world by up to 50% by 2030. The products of the future are being developed here in our INNIO360 Energy Lab, where we demonstrate how the energy transition works."

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JENBACH, Austria -- Businesswire -- INNIO and TIWAG today announce that TINEXT, a TIWAG (Tiroler Wasserkraft AG) subsidiary, will supply INNIO’s primary operations in Jenbach with green hydrogen (H2) by 2025. At the same time, excess power and heat will be fed into the local power grid and district heating network. Once sufficient quantities of green hydrogen are available, additional areas of application are planned, such as supplying an INNIO plant gas station or refueling local logistics companies’ vehicles.

As part of the joint project, INNIO will install an electrolysis unit on the premises of TIWAG’s Achensee power plant that will convert green electricity into green hydrogen. In turn, TINEXT will construct the compression and storage terminals. The hydrogen, a key component in the energy transition, will be transported via pipeline from TINEXT to INNIO’s main operations in Jenbach, where it will primarily be used for hydrogen engine test runs.

“The hydrogen agreement with TIWAG and TINEXT is another milestone on our path to net zero at our site in Jenbach,” said Olaf Berlien, president and CEO of INNIO. “We have committed to reducing emissions from our production sites around the world by up to 50% by 2030. The products of the future are being developed here in our INNIO360 Energy Lab, where we demonstrate how the energy transition works.”

“Using green hydrogen to generate power is an important step on INNIO’s journey to significantly reduce the carbon footprint of the site in Jenbach,” said Martin Mühlbacher, vice president and site manager in Jenbach. “Along with the use of a photovoltaic system, hydropower plant, battery storage, storage water heater (power-to-heat), and electromobility, this will make an important contribution to implementing our broad-ranging sustainability strategy.”

“This pioneering hydrogen project is a central element of Tyrol’s energy strategy of phasing out the use of fossil fuels. With this agreement, INNIO and TIWAG are showing how the transition to an energy-autonomous and climate-neutral energy supply for industrial companies can be realized,” commented TIWAG managing director Dipl.-Ing Thomas Gasser. “TIWAG has been using hydropower to generate green electricity in Jenbach for almost 100 years. As of this summer, this is supported by a large photovoltaic system. It is all the more gratifying that our subsidiary TINEXT is now suppling green hydrogen for our customer and partner INNIO at this location, which has a long tradition in power generation.”

The availability of green hydrogen is an important prerequisite for the sustainable, economic, and timely implementation of INNIO’s hydrogen strategy. The company began offering all new Jenbacher engines with a “Ready for H2” option this year.


TIWAG, the state energy utility owned by the State of Tyrol, is tasked with providing a secure, sustainable, and integrated energy supply for Tyrol. The TIWAG Group supports the European and national energy goals and is a driving force behind the ecological transition in Tyrol’s power, gas, and heat supply. TINEXT - TIWAG Next Energy Solutions GmbH, the 100% subsidiary established in 2021, supports the energy transition in the fields of hydrogen, photovoltaics, renewable heat, and electromobility.


INNIO is a leading energy solution and service provider that empowers industries and communities to make sustainable energy work today. With our product brands Jenbacher and Waukesha and our digital platform myPlant, INNIO offers innovative solutions for the power generation and compression segments that help industries and communities generate and manage energy sustainably while navigating the fast-changing landscape of traditional and green energy sources. We are individual in scope, but global in scale. With our flexible, scalable, and resilient energy solutions and services, we are enabling our customers to manage the energy transition along the energy value chain wherever they are in their transition journey.

INNIO is headquartered in Jenbach (Austria), with other primary operations in Waukesha (Wisconsin, U.S.) and Welland (Ontario, Canada). A team of more than 3,500 experts provides life-cycle support to the more than 54,000 delivered engines globally through a service network in more than 80 countries.

INNIO’s ESG Risk Rating places it number one of more than 500 worldwide companies in the machinery industry assessed by Sustainalytics.

For more information, visit INNIO’s website at www.innio.com. Follow INNIO on Twitter and LinkedIn.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220922005312/en/

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