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epa10169512 Houthi forces march during a military parade amid a UN-brokered truce at a street in Sana'a, Yemen, 08 September 2022. UN envoy for Yemen Hans Grundberg is scheduled to brief the UN Security Council, on 08 September 2022, on the UN-brokered truce developments, including his recent consultations with the Yemeni warring parties and regional actors to move toward a sustainable political solution of the prolonged conflict in the Arab country. The truce has been holding since April 2022 and was renewed on 02 August for an additional two months through 02 October. It includes the cessation of all military operations across Yemen, the flow of fuel imports into Houthi-held ports and the resumption of commercial flights from Sana'a Airport, in an attempt to revive UN-sponsored peace talks between the Houthis and the Saudi-backed Yemeni government on ending more than seven years of war in Yemen. EPA/YAHYA ARHAB
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