KT&G to build new packaging factory in Sejong

2022. 8. 29. 15:52
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KT&G CEO Baek Bok-in (right) and Choi Min-ho, Sejong City Mayor pose for a photo after an MOU on Friday at the Sejong City Hall. (KT&G)

South Korean tobacco company KT&G said Monday it plans to build a new eco-friendly tobacco packaging factory in the central administrative hub of Sejong City.

Under the 180 billion won ($133.5 million) project, the factory will be constructed at Sejong Mirae Industrial Estate, a government-developed area for local manufacturing companies, by 2025.

KT&G said the factory will produce tobacco packaging such as cigarette papers and boxes, based on a cutting-edge logistics automation system and a digital printing process.

It aims to receive Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, an eco-friendly certification by using renewable energy including solar energy and upgrading infrastructure for air (pollution) and wasted water, the company added.

“With the eco-friendly factory, we plan to contribute to making Sejong a green city, and also putting in extra efforts in supporting the underprivileged and other corporate social responsibility activities,” said a KT&G official.

By Byun Hye-jin(hyejin2@heraldcorp.com)

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