DA moa 2022. 8. 19. 23:03
글자크기 설정 파란원을 좌우로 움직이시면 글자크기가 변경 됩니다.

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Thai inmates clean Bangkok's sewage system to prevent floods

epaselect epa10128919 Thai prison inmates, part of a group of volunteers tasked with the capital city?s sewage cleaning, unclog a section of Bangkok?s drainage system at a community in Bangkok, Thailand, 19 August 2022. The group of prisoners cleaning the city's sewers, are part of a Department of Corrections program which allows prisoners from 10 prisons, to reduce their prison sentence as well as earn money. Every monsoon season Bangkok suffers from floods caused by poor drainage, and this program aims to help reduce the floods. Prisoners desiring to take part in the program, may do so provided that they are first time offenders, they have good behavior, and are not in jail due to crimes against national security or the Monarchy. The Department of Corrections is contracted to clean the sewers, with 70 percent of the profits going to the inmates and the remaining 30 percent goes to the prisons taking part in the program. A total of 1,000 inmates take part in the program, which started on 1 July 2022, and will last about 150 days, coinciding with the monsoon season. The program ran in the past, however this is the first time since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. EPA/DIEGO AZUBEL

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