Jesuits Reparations
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FILE - This image made available by the Maryland Province of the Society of Jesus shows a portion of an 1838 document listing 272 enslaved men, women and children who were sold by the Jesuit owners of Georgetown University to plantation owners in Louisiana. On Tuesday, Aug. 16, 2022, Joseph Stewart, a key figure in the racial reconciliation initiative announced by the U.S. Jesuits in 2021 with descendants of people once enslaved by the Catholic order, issued a statement expressing deep dissatisfaction with the lack of progress and inaction. (Archives of the Maryland Province of the Society of Jesus, Box 40, File 10, Item 3a-h, on deposit at the Botth Family Center for Special Collections, Georgetown University Library, Washington, D.C. via AP, File) AP PROVIDES ACCESS TO THIS THIRD PARTY PHOTO SOLELY TO ILLUSTRATE NEWS REPORTING OR COMMENTARY ON FACTS DEPICTED IN IMAGE; MUST BE USED WITHIN 14 DAYS FROM TRANSMISSION; NO ARCHIVING; NO LICENSING; MANDATORY CREDIT
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