Bill Gates meets Korean state and biz leaders to call for bigger Korean role in global heath

Pulse 2022. 8. 16. 14:09
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[Source: Pool Photo]
South Korea should play bigger role in global health cooperation with its science technology, urged Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft Corp. and co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

“This is a crisis moment for global health,” Gates said Tuesday during his speech at the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul, Tuesday, on the importance of international cooperation to cope with contagious diseases like Covid-19.

“So this is also a fantastic time for our foundation to strengthen partnership with Korea providing great ideas for new tools and for resources to help those most in need.”

The speech was made after his meeting with National Assembly speaker Kim Jin-pyo in the morning.

Gates noted how Korea has transformed into “a powerhouse” in a very short time on the back of foreign aid, efforts, and creativity, and how the country is playing leading role in Covid-19 and diagnosis test sector such as vaccine manufacturing capacity, innovative private sector, research and development expertise, and global bio manufacturing workforce.

He called for strong partnership with Korea to save the world from contagious diseases.

Gates is meeting with Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol in the afternoon at the presidential office in Yongsan, central Seoul. The meeting was proposed by Gates, the office said.

The two are expected to discuss global health cooperation such as vaccine supply to underdeveloped countries. They spoke over the phone on June 24 about overcoming Covid-19 and global health cooperation.

Gates’ visit to Seoul parliament is the first in 9 years. His trip was proposed by National Assembly speaker Kim in June during a visit by Trevor Mundel, president of global health at the Gates Foundation, for support and cooperation with Korea’s National Assembly on international health issues.

Gates could also meet with SK Group Chairman Chey Tae-won and Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman Jay Y. Lee, according to reports.

Gates’ charity foundation doled out $4.9 million to back SK chemical’s typhoid vaccine clinical research in 2014, $3.6 million and another $10 million in SK bioscience’s Covid-19 vaccine development in 2020. During his visit in 2013, Gates met with Samsung’s Lee and discussed global information technology issues.

Gates, who arrived in Seoul Monday, will leave Wednesday.

[ㄏ Maeil Business Newspaper &, All rights reserved]

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