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epa10122980 A view of storage tanks at the Central oil tank farm operated by Mero CR near Nelahozeves, Czech Republic, 15 August 2022. Mero CR owns and operates the Czech part of the Druzhba pipeline and the IKL pipeline, is the sole transporter of crude oil to the Czech Republic, and also provides storage for the Czech emergency strategic oil reserves. Both pipelines enter the Central oil tank farm near Nelahozeves, where the company has built a total of 17 oil tanks with a total storage capacity of 1 675 000 m3. In June 2022, the European Union approved a sixth package of sanctions over Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which includes a ban on most Russian oil imports from the turn of the year. Oil transport via the Druzhba pipeline supplying the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary will be temporarily excluded from the embargo. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
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