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epa10116857 A staff member cleans the body of a deceased pet cat during a pet funeral service at the Rainbow Planet pet funeral store in Beijing, China, 11 August 2022 (issued 12 August 2022). China?s pet industry is expanding rapidly where the market is worth nearly 300 billion yuan (43 billion euros) in December 2020, and is expected to reach 445.6 billion yuan (64 billion euros) by 2023, according to the Chinese pet industry white paper released by IResearch Consulting Group in January 2020. There are more than a thousand pet funeral related companies in China which provides pet cremation and funeral service, one of which is the Rainbow Planet pet funeral store in Beijing. Cost for the basic cremation and funeral service provided by the store is between 600 to 6000 yuan (860 euros), depending on the breed and weight of the pet. 'We received around 800 to 1000 reservation for funeral services from our clients each year, most of our clients would book the service a day after their pet passes away, it's based on the necessary needs of pet owners, and has nothing to do with a certain (Hungry Ghost) festival.' said Wang Yinghao, the co-founder of Rainbow Planet pet funeral store. The Hungry Ghost Festival is celebrated annually on the 15th day of the seventh lunar month, falling on 12 August this year. According to traditional Chinese belief, this is the period when restless spirits roam the earth, and people cherish the memory of their dead relatives at this time. EPA/WU HAO ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET
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