Prosecutors raid Naver's headquarters over alleged abuse of market dominance

임정원 2022. 8. 12. 17:42
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Prosecutors launched an investigation into internet portal operator Naver's alleged abuse of market dominance in relation to real estate sales information and raided the company's headquarters Friday.
Naver's headquarters in Bundang, Gyeonggi [NEWS1]

Prosecutors launched an investigation into internet portal operator Naver’s alleged abuse of market dominance in relation to real estate sales information and raided the company’s headquarters Friday.

The Fair Trade Investigation Department of the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office sent prosecutors and investigators to Naver’s headquarters in Bundang, Gyeonggi, on Friday afternoon to investigate the company on charges of violating the Fair Trade Act.

Naver is accused of blocking the provision of real estate sales information provided to Naver to a third party while signing a deal with a real estate information company from May 2015 to September 2017.


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