Over 5,000 script books for 'Extraordinary Attorney Woo' sold by advance order

신민희 입력 2022. 8. 12. 16:34
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The script books for the ongoing ENA television series "Extraordinary Attorney Woo" sold over 5,000 copies by advance order on Yes24 in just one day, the online book retailer said Friday. The script books, which are uncut versions that include..
The two script books for ENA series ″Extraordinary Attorney Woo″ (2022) [YES24]

The script books for the ongoing ENA television series “Extraordinary Attorney Woo” sold over 5,000 copies by advance order on Yes24 in just one day, the online book retailer said Friday.

The script books, which are uncut versions that include deleted scenes, are set to hit the shelves of bookstores on Sept. 15 and consist of two parts.

Pre-sales started Thursday and as of Friday, the two books are No. 10 and 11 on Yes24’s overall list of best-sellers.

The books explain how the show’s screenwriter Moon Ji-won came to name the protagonist Woo Young-woo and the list of other names that were almost chosen. They also offer readers a peek into other behind-the-scene stories.

“Extraordinary Attorney Woo” continues to see higher viewership ratings each episode as the titular lawyer Young-woo — a lovable genius with autism spectrum disorder played by actor Park Eun-bin — steals the hearts of viewers worldwide.

Episode 14, which aired Thursday, recorded a viewership rating of 14.6 percent.

BY SHIN MIN-HEE [shin.minhee@joongang.co.kr]

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