'Emergency Declaration' invited to Spain's Sitges Film Festival

신민희 2022. 8. 12. 16:30
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"Emergency Declaration," a disaster-action film starring actors Song Kang-ho and Lee Byung-hun, has been invited to the Òrbita competition section of the Sitges Film Festival, the film's distributor Showbox said Friday. The Spanish film festival..
A scene from film "Emergency Declaration" (2022) [SHOWBOX]

“Emergency Declaration,” a disaster-action film starring actors Song Kang-ho and Lee Byung-hun, has been invited to the Òrbita competition section of the Sitges Film Festival, the film’s distributor Showbox said Friday.

The Spanish film festival, which specializes in fantasy, thriller and horror films and is based in the city of Barcelona, is slated for Oct. 6 to 16 this year.

The Òrbita section features films “from genres bordering on the fantastic, such as thrillers, suspense, martial arts, action, adventure, etc.,” according to the festival’s website.

“Emergency Declaration,” which hit theaters earlier this month, revolves around passengers on a plane flying from Incheon to Hawaii. A mysterious passenger boards the plane and spreads an unidentified virus that infects those onboard, sparking an emergency situation.

The film has a star-studded cast in addition to Song and Lee: Jeon Do-yeon, Kim Nam-gil, Yim Si-wan and Kim So-jin.

BY SHIN MIN-HEE [shin.minhee@joongang.co.kr]

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