IU's agency cracks down on illegal tickets for singer's upcoming concert

신민희 2022. 8. 12. 14:49
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IU's agency EDAM Entertainment announced Thursday that it canceled tickets that were obtained illegally for the singer's upcoming concert.
On IU's official fan community, the agency said that it has "permanently expelled four people from IU's..
The poster for IU's upcoming concert ″The Golden Hour″ [EDAM ENTERTAINMENT]

IU’s agency EDAM Entertainment announced Thursday that it canceled tickets that were obtained illegally for the singer’s upcoming concert.

On IU’s official fan community, the agency said that it has “permanently expelled four people from IU’s official fan club” as well as “restricted their IDs on Melon Ticket” as they were caught accessing the ticketing site via abnormal routes.

IU will host her solo concert “The Golden Hour” at Jamsil Olympic Stadium in Songpa District, southern Seoul, on Sept. 17 and 18.

This will be the singer’s first solo concert in three years since she last went on tour in 2019 for “Love, Poem,” where she took to the stage in four cities in Korea and six other Asian cities.

This is the first time for a Korean female solo singer to perform at the Jamsil Olympic Stadium, according to the agency.

BY SHIN MIN-HEE [shin.minhee@joongang.co.kr]

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