si ed 2022. 8. 11. 21:18
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The pre-trial detention center in Yelenovka shelling

epaselect epa10115066 A picture taken during a visit to Yelenovka organised by the Russian military shows an interior view of the destroyed barrack where Ukrainian prisoners of war were held in a Yelenovka detention center in Yelenovka, Donetsk region, Ukraine, 10 August 2022. As a result of a rocket attack on a pre-trial detention center near Yelenovka on July 29, 51 Ukrainian prisoners of war were killed and 193 were wounded. ?The investigation qualified the strike of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the pre-trial detention center in Yelenovka as a terrorist act?, Vitalia Chernyavskaya, the official representative of the DPR Prosecutor General's Office, told reporters. The official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Lieutenant-General Igor Konashenkov, reported that on July 29, the Armed Forces of Ukraine attacked a pre-trial detention center near Yelenovka from the American HIMARS multiple launch rocket system. Later, the Ministry of Defense stated that Russia, in the interests of conducting an objective investigation of the attack on the pre-trial detention center, officially invited experts from the UN and the International Committee of the Red Cross. EPA/SERGEI ILNITSKY

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