Samsung, LG, Hyundai Motor and others make donations

조정우 2022. 8. 11. 19:03
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Company groups are making donations to help victims of the recent record heavy rains that hit Korea. Samsung will donate 3 billion won ($2.3 million), the group said Thursday.
Employees of Samsung Electronics are checking household electronics damaged by the recent heavy rains. [SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS]

Company groups are making donations to help victims of the recent record heavy rains that hit Korea. Samsung will donate 3 billion won ($2.3 million), the group said Thursday.

The donations will be made by a number of companies, including Samsung Electronics, Samsung Display and Samsung SDI, and will be delivered to the Hope Bridge Korea Disaster Relief Association. Samsung is planning to support 5,000 relief kits and offer free inspections of products in the damaged areas.

LG donated 2 billion won and offered free inspections of household electronics on Thursday. LG Electronics will provide 10 air purifiers and aero towers in a temporary shelter in Gaepo-dong, Gangnam District, where around 50 flood victims are staying. LG U+ will offer free charging zones and wifi services at the shelter.

Hyundai Motor donated 2 billion won to support the flood victims, according to the company on Thursday. The company will donate essentials, such as water and ramyeon.

GS donated 1 billion won and will provide essentials and support recovery of damaged areas. Doosan and Hyundai Heavy Industries each donated 500 million won on Wednesday.


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