Boy band Omega X to embark on U.S. tour in October

이재림 2022. 8. 11. 15:07
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Boy band Omega X will go on a U.S. tour titled "Connect : Don't give up" from October. A poster released by the band's agency SPIRE Entertainment Thursday revealed that the tour will begin in Boston on Oct. 1, then move on to 13 cities such as..
The poster for Omega X's U.S. tour [SPIRE ENTERTAINMENT]

Boy band Omega X will go on a U.S. tour titled “Connect : Don’t give up” from October.

A poster released by the band's agency SPIRE Entertainment Thursday revealed that the tour will begin in Boston on Oct. 1, then move on to 13 cities such as New York, Orlando, Chicago, Denver, Kansas City, San Francisco and Los Angeles.

The boy band is recently receiving global spotlight thanks to its first full-length album “Story Written in Music” released in June. Before embarking on the U.S. tour, the band will debut in Japan on Aug. 24 and head on a Latin American tour in September.

The band recently landed on "The Tidal K-pop 10” list by global streaming platform Tidal and was selected as a rising star by K-pop columnist Jeff Benjamin.

Omega X debuted in June last year with its first EP “Vamos” and has released songs such as “What’s Goin’ On” (2021) and “Love Me Like” (2022). The band consists of 11 members — Jaehan, Hwichan, Sebin, Hangyeom, Taedong, Xen, Jehyun, Kevin, Junghoon, Hyuk and Yechan.


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