AnDAPT Announces Latest FPGA Power Delivery Solutions
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DUBLIN -- Businesswire -- AnDAPT, a provider of highly integrated and programmable Power Management IC (PMIC) products, has launched power products for popular AMD-Xilinx FPGA families. The designs are reviewed and approved by Xilinx.
The custom power solutions cover SKUs from cost-optimized to high-performance use-cases belonging to Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ and Xilinx Artix UltraScale+ FPGA and Adaptive SoC families.
The key differentiations these solutions afford the customer are ease-of-use, flexibility, cost-effectiveness, improved performance, and simplified inventory since only one silicon chip is used to program different solution personalities.
“With FPGAs so vital to system deployments across broad markets, AnDAPT is simplifying powering these devices and enabling innovation and rapid product development. Getting Xilinx-approval for our design is a great step forward in continuing to establish AnDAPT as a global leader in powering semiconductors,” says Bill McLean, CEO at AnDAPT.
“Our FPGAs and adaptive SoCs have advanced power management features, which require a high level of detailed engineering when working towards integration,” said Manuel Uhm, director of product marketing, Adaptive and Embedded Computing Group, AMD. “We welcome AnDAPT’s off-the-shelf products to our ecosystem to help simplify power sequencing and power management.”
Users can now download AnDAPT’s hardware-verified designs from Xilinx Power Delivery Solutions page or from AnDAPT’s PMIC Solutions page, or using its proprietary software WebAmP R.D., and choose between minimum-rails or full power management or other options depending on system requirements. The power designs have been specially built and tested to meet Xilinx voltage, current, ripple, transient, and sequencing specifications. Lab data, solution area, BoM, datasheets, and design files are made available by AnDAPT to boost customer design process.
Next in line for product release in late August 2022 are AnDAPT’s power solutions for Xilinx Kintex and Virtex UltraScale+ FPGA families.
The product releases come close on the heels of AnDAPT’s addition to the Xilinx Partner Program earlier in Feb 2022.
AnDAPT Power Management Solutions
AnDAPT uses its 5mm x 5mm AmP PMIC lending a high level of integration to provide a best-in-class system power solution. Each PMIC incorporates a single or two phase DrMOS controller (up to 70 A), multiple buck converters (10 A/6 A), high current LDOs (up to 2 A) or load switches (LDSW), 4 general purpose LDOs (200 mA) and power management features including fault protection and sequencing.
About AnDAPT
A privately held fabless power semiconductor company, AnDAPT Holdings Ltd, designs, manufactures and markets programmable power management solutions. Incorporated in 2014 and headquartered in Dublin, Ireland, the company is funded by Intel, Cisco, Atlantic Bridge, Vanguard and has pioneered a new genre of adaptive analog technology. Visit the company website ( or call for more information.
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출처:AnDAPT Holdings Ltd
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