GS Entec enters offshore wind power business

2022. 7. 31. 14:54
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Sif Netherlands BV’s monopile (GS Entec)

GS Entec -- South Korean equipment and facilities manufacturer of chemical and energy plants -- has signed a strategic partnership with Sif Netherlands BV to enter the offshore wind power business, the company said Sunday.

GS Entec will introduce the Dutch firm’s monopile manufacturing technology under the partnership, according to the company.

A monopile is a steel tube foundation that serves as a supporting pillar in the water. Monopiles are most commonly used for offshore wind turbines as they are cheaper and built faster than other foundation technologies. Monopile foundations take up over 80 percent of the global offshore wind turbines, according to GS Entec.

With the partnership, the South Korean plant equipment manufacturer will become the first company in Asia to bring in the monopile technology, according to GS Entec. Sif Netherlands BV’s monopiles can be used in water depths of up to 50 to 60 meters.

Sif Netherlands BV, one of the leading companies in the global monopile industry, has produced over 2,000 monopiles.

According to Sif, the partnership will grant GS Entec a 10-year mutual exclusive license to use the technology developed and applied by Sif for the purpose of manufacturing monopiles foundations and transition pieces in the Asian region.

The license includes both a fixed one-off license fee and a variable fee per manufactured and delivered monopile foundation.

GS Entec said the company’s entrance into the offshore wind power market signifies its turning point to become a manufacturer of eco-friendly equipment.

“Having the capability to manufacture large-scale chemical devices, GS Entec will target the Asian market through a groundbreaking monopile production method with the signing of a strategic partnership with Sif that leads the offshore wind power market,” said Doh Jung-hae, CEO at GS Entec.

By Kan Hyeong-woo(

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