Nel ASA: Receives purchase order for a containerized PEM water electrolyser in Australia

2022. 7. 14. 14:07
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OSLO, Norway -- Businesswire -- Nel Hydrogen US, a subsidiary of Nel ASA (Nel, OSE:NEL), has received a purchase order from Viva Energy Australia Pty. Ltd. (Viva Energy) for a MC500 containerized PEM water electrolyser. When installed, the electrolyser will be the biggest in Australia and provide green hydrogen to a fleet of heavy fuel cell vehicles.

Viva Energy is an ASX listed company that owns the Geelong refinery and supplies a service station network of around 1,350 Shell and Liberty service stations across Australia. Viva Energy also supplies fuels and other products to a range of commercial customers.

As part of its Geelong Energy Hub, Viva Energy is building a new energy service station near its Geelong refinery that will provide battery charging and hydrogen refueling. The system delivered by Nel is a containerized solution with a production capacity up to 1,063kg/day, and will supply fuel cell grade hydrogen directly on site to the dedicated fueling station. The project received a grant from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) as part of ARENA’s Advancing Renewables Program and the Victorian Government also contributed to the project via the Renewable Hydrogen Commercialization Pathways Fund.

“It is a great pleasure to collaborate with Viva Energy and our local partner ENGV to develop this unique flagship project in Australia. This project is an important milestone for Australia’s targeted efforts to decarbonize the mobility sector and create a local hydrogen economy”, says Raymond Schmid, VP Sales and Marketing EMEA and Oceania.

The contract has an approximate value of about EUR 4m, and the system is expected to be delivered in Q3 2023.

About Nel ASA | Nel is a global, dedicated hydrogen company, delivering optimal solutions to produce, store, and distribute hydrogen from renewable energy. We serve industries, energy, and gas companies with leading hydrogen technology. Our roots date back to 1927, and since then, we have had a proud history of development and continuous improvement of hydrogen technologies. Today, our solutions cover the entire value chain: from hydrogen production technologies to hydrogen fueling stations, enabling industries to transition to green hydrogen, and providing fuel cell electric vehicles with the same fast fueling and long range as fossil-fueled vehicles - without the emissions.

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